Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 257 in total

Board Games

Every executive needs to know how to talk to the company's board and handle it effectively. Don't appease it, don't be subservient, and don't surprise it. In this week...


Being a tech executive means that things sometimes change. You might be unsure about where you're headed to provide more impact. However, as Tolkien has taught us geek...

Non-Linear Growth

Someone quit? A long vacation? A friggin' war? Learn how to embrace disruptions, create shorter and more focused roadmaps, and empower your team to thrive in times of ...

Bad Decisions

Did you make a mistake recently? To err is human, and to futilely try and avoid all possible mistakes is being an engineer. Executives with a tech background seem more...


Freddy Mercury famously sang that friends will be friends. That's right. But they shouldn't be your employees. Check out this week's episode for unpopular opinions abo...

Leadership Procrastination

You're constantly busy. I mean, you're overwhelmed! No one can blame you for procrastination… or can they? This week's podcast is about the leadership equivalent of cl...


What good is amazing innovation and creativity if it doesn't align with a clear path toward winning? What does aiming for a win mean for tech executives? Another quick...


In life, shit happens. Just in the past three years, we've been through COVID-19, saw the startup economy almost grind to a halt, and now there's war here in Israel. G...


Leaders cannot be cowards. I don't care if you think you're prioritizing your efforts or being politically correct. And, of course, it's related to the war. This week'...


Even at times of confusion and stress—perhaps even more so—it is important to create your organization's structure intentionally and thoughtfully. This week's short ep...


This week's shorter-than-usual episode is about resilience. This is based on what I've been talking about with my clients here in Israel: How to create teams that are ...

Stupid Inputs

A short episode due to circumstances with a quick lesson about communicating and collaborating with stakeholders.Grab a copy of my books, Capitalizing Your Technology ...


Let's delve into a critical yet often overlooked aspect of startup culture - evaluations. However, I'm not talking about the prevalent discussions surrounding startup ...

Experience Pressure Cookers

You can count on "years of experience" or you can create an environment where the theory of relativity acts in your favor and people grow faster. It's up to you. Let's...

Best Practices

Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your team is to disregard "best practices." I've yet to come across a practice that works in 100% of situations. You might be ...


Your best people are often those who get the least attention. Thus, you're effectively directing them to outgrow the organization and bail on you. Instead, you can be ...

Low Season

Several times a year, if we're lucky, we have a "low season." Are you leveraging these to come out of them stronger and better, or are you squandering a precious oppor...

Sock Puppets

Ever noticed how some executives unintentionally turn their managers into "sock puppets," overriding their decisions and limiting their autonomy? In this episode, I de...

Backward Motivation

Ever felt like your team's motivation is in reverse? In this episode, I explore a counterintuitive concept of backward motivation. It's all about understanding the und...

Proxy Leadership

Are you guilty of using "proxy leadership" in your team? In this episode, we dive into a common but potentially damaging leadership practice that might be undermining ...

The One Problem

To be an effective leader, you have to choose where you are focusing your efforts. Instead of letting your days be decided by your calendar, happenstance, or merely fo...

Articulation Superpower

It's no coincidence that some of the companies most known for their ability to move fast have writing things down deeply ingrained in their cultures. In an era where t...

The Chessboard

There's a simple habit that helps you make sure you are actively forming a team that will be impactful instead of letting things be shaped by happenstance. By doing so...

Rear View Mirror

Sometimes, your best improvement engine is being aware of the things you've already done. You can also learn to move much more quickly when you can assess whether some...

Cost vs. Value

When we fail to consider things correctly, we just might end up like those cliché characters in movies that waste time and let opportunities slip by as they keep waiti...

Vulnerability for Growth

Sometimes, the burden of all you've accomplished can hold you back from what you have to do next. What got you here won't get you there, and being vulnerable is requir...

The Pool Principle

It's sometimes hard to realize that things have to change just to keep going, but that's actually a sign of healthy progress. Nothing in life is static, and in the lon...

Celebrating Consistency

Sometimes, you don't need to do anything grand. You just need to do something small but consistently and well. Before you know it, you'll be positioned ahead and other...

Profitable Growth

A classic sign of success at startups is when the business growth goes "up and to the right." However, we seem to have gotten confused and many tech teams are scaling ...

Fluff Roles

Welcome to the easy-money tech industry where roles are made up and org charts don't matter. Oh, what was that? We're no longer in easy-money mode? Then it's about tim...

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