Displaying 1 - 30 of 270 in total


What are the things that you rely on, consciously or not? Whatever it is, it might be holding you back from growing faster or creating a glass ceiling for your employe...

Power Moves

Power moves don't have to be douchy. At least not the ones we're discussing in this week's podcast episode: How to wield your power and make your move, so you're a rea...

Rude Awakening

Sometimes, usually because your boss isn't professional enough, you can let too much time pass without realizing you're underperforming. This week's episode will help ...


Techies often have a default stance of expecting the worst to happen. It might've served you well when you were coding and helped you remember to write an 'else' for e...


Stop thinking too highly of yourself. You, too, are replaceable. Apple has done pretty well post-Jobs, surely your startup will survive you taking some time off or foc...

What to Expect When You're Expecting

What are your expectations of your time as the year is in its final stages? How high of a bar do you set for yourself and your team? Are you acting as a glass ceiling ...

Non Linear Careers

Progressing as an engineering leader shouldn't be automatic and "linear." Very rarely are things as simple as that. How much agency and control are you putting into ch...

Wasted Careers

This week's episode turned into a bit of a rant about people who fail to make the most of their careers because they prioritize the wrong things. Months wasted can tak...

Time Value

Making some plans and deciding to take certain steps in advance to make your life easier in the future isn't "waterfall" and planning is not over-engineering. In fact,...

Still Waters

Last week's episode was about the importance of taking action faster as a leader. Today's episode, to throw you off, is about avoiding big, drastic, and showy changes ...


Are we on the brink of "model collapse"? There's no way to keep copying what used to work endlessly and assume it will stay the same. Repetition eventually leads to de...

Taking It In

When there's a new head-of-state or government elected, we expect to see what they've accomplished within their first 100 days. What excuses have we got, then, not to ...


Sometimes people make predictions that fail completely. I still think that's healthier than never stating what you think is going to happen. What works for ICs doing T...


Timing is everything. I'm not talking about stand-up comedy but about your ability to spot opportunities and use them. The exact same work has a different value depend...


The story of one of my (too many) geeky pranks in my army service and how humans too easily get used to things being off. This is your weekly reminder to stop boiling....

Progress Theater

You might be understanding 'fake it till you make it wrong,' and leaning too heavily into the faking part. That's in part what the tech industry has allowed itself to ...

Priority Dissonance

Priority dissonance is what we get when we are so bombarded by tasks that we cannot see the forest for the trees. And if you're not paying enough attention, you'll end...

Think Bigger

I challenge you to “think bigger” and raise your expectations for your team. Discover the importance of setting ambitious goals and fostering a culture that drives exc...

Carpe Diem

This is your periodic reminder that leadership is about taking charge, and you can start by taking charge of your day right now. A few simple adjustments can tremendou...

Taking Stock

Looking back on what you've already achieved isn't navel gazing or patting yourself on the back. It's needed to ensure that you leverage your strengths, motivate yours...

Holding Your Horses

We like to think we're logical leaders and can make decisions with rationality. However, sometimes things make our lizard brains trigger and get all stressed about act...


Curiosity may have killed that cat, but for leaders it's an unconventional weapon. In an age when people focus more on what they're going to be saying than on listenin...

Growth Excuses

I don't care how much budget or time you've got, you can find ways to invest in yourself and grow if you want to. No one can prevent you from learning and honing your ...


I routinely speak to over a hundred leaders from all over the world to get a "vibe check." Sometimes, I realize some of them are stuck in a high-tech version of Ground...

Operating System

Your personal system is crucial to being an effective leader and getting things done. As a geek, I like viewing our routines and habits from this point of view, and it...

Who, What, Why

Don't go off creating or filling positions by cargo-culting what you see in other companies, assuming that's the right path forward. Similarly, if you're a tech execut...


It takes two to tango, and you have to know how to lead or you're both going to end up on your behinds. This week's short podcast episode is about realizing your agenc...

Non Binary

If you want to genuinely become an executive and be viewed as a peer to business partners, you're going to have to stop it with the binary options. The world's not bla...

Making Mistakes

Making mistakes is an essential part of growing as a leader. Letting your people is something you have to live with to accelerate their growth. Nevertheless, that does...

Non Choices

Sometimes, when you procrastinate or reject making a choice, that can open up new opportunities. Other times, that's a sign of weak leadership. How do you make the cho...

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